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BA Acting

BA Acting and Performance-Making & Musical Theatre Auditions


Candidates will be selected and invited to an audition date based on their personal statement and education history. There is no audition fee.

Audition Preparation

For the individual Acting and Performance-Making audition, candidates will be asked to prepare two contrasting monologues, one classical and one contemporary, no longer than two minutes each, to be presented and then re-directed.

For the Musical Theatre audition, candidates will be asked to prepare a short speech from a musical or play and a song from a musical – please bring a backing track, we have a mini-jack connection for phones or a cd player. 

Candidates should attend the audition in loose clothing to allow movement and be willing to work in bare feet.

The Audition Schedule





10:00 – 10:15


Opposite the Welcome Desk

10:15 – 10:45

Student Ambassador led Campus tour (Candidates and guests)

Starting and ending in the Arts Centre

10:45 – 11:30

Welcome talk and refreshments (tea/coffee/water and muffins/pastries)

The Arts Centre and the Quad Theatre

11:30 – 12:45

Group workshop - dance and ensemble work (Musical Theatre)

Group Workshop - Physical, vocal and group work (Acting and Performance-Making)

Quad Theatre and Tempest Studio

12:45 – 13:30

Break with lunch provided to candidates, staff and Student Ambassadors

The Arts Centre

13:30 onwards

Individual Auditions (20 minutes each) to include 2 speeches, 1 classical and 1 contemporary for Acting and Performance-Making or a speech and a song for Musical Theatre. Auditionees will receive some redirection.

Quad Theatre and Tempest Studio

You may leave once your individual auditions are complete.


The Decision

The audition panel will score each candidate on each of the 8 categories:

  • Group workshop
    • Group work
    • Vocal skill
    • Physicality
    • Improvisation skills
  • Solo audition
    • Characterisation
    • Vocal skill
    • physical skill
    • Ability to take direction

Each category is rated 1-4 (4 = excellent, 3=criteria met, 2 = borderline and 1 = poor) and the scores are agreed and totalled. If the candidate scores above 22 they will be offered a place, under 18 they will be declined. A candidate scoring between 18 and 22 will then be discussed at length by the panel and a decision will be made after taking the whole audition especially the interview section into consideration.

All decisions will be updated as soon as possible after the auditions have been held. Candidates should check their UCAS Hub.