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How will support services and life outside studies be managed?

For almost all of our services, students can choose from talking to people online (with appointments on Teams) or having face-to-face appointments. 

Our Student Wellbeing and Support team, the Chaplaincy, our IT and Digital Innovations team, the Futures team and the Students’ Union are all offering a combination of online and on campus services.

We will continue to offer online support and appointments across these areas, which have been appreciated as a flexible and effective way of getting support. They are particularly helpful for students who are ill or students who live further away from campus.

The Students’ Union will continue to offer critical support to students around academic representation, societies and personal pastoral support that they always have, both online and on campus.

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10 tips for coping with stress

Stress is feeling overwhelmed as a result of pressures that are unmanageable. We all feel stressed sometimes.

1. Be realistic with yourself. Is your to-do list too long? Be kind to yourself. Take some pressure off.

2. Think about how to relax. Try something new or make time to do your favourite thing.

3. Consider your habits around eating, drinking, sleeping and exercise. What small changes can you make? Try less caffeine, gentle exercise, mindfulness or having regular times for getting up and going to bed.

4. Talk to someone. Other people may bring different perspectives.

5. Break it down. Write down the problem and as many solutions as possible. Decide on good and bad points of each solution. Break the solution down into steps so you can see how to get there.

6. We don’t always recognise when we are stressed. Try to understand your personal responses, you may have unnoticed triggers. Keep a stress diary, reflect on the stressors that get to you, and then you can think about what to change.

7. You may not be able to control the situation but you can control your own reaction to it.

8. Relax. Play music, exercise, read a book, watch a film. You might find your thinking is clearer afterwards.

9. Remember it will pass. At some point it will get easier and you will feel better.

10. We ALL feel stressed sometimes. It does not mean you have failed. Remember you are STILL fabulous!

You’ve got this #TeamMarjon!

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Checklist for coming to campus

  1. Do not come to campus if you have symptoms. 
  2. Don't forget your face covering.
  3. Organise your vaccinations if you are not already fully vaccinated.