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Five levels of operation during COVID-19

Our priorities are your safety, your belonging in our community, and your long-term success. To do this we will follow a five-level approach to our operations this year. We will communicate which level we are working to at all times.

Level 5 will be highest level of alert and Level 1 will be normal operations.

We are at Level 3. 

Who is on campus?        

Level 5: Most staff and students remain at home except for essential workers. Resident students remain on campus supported with essential activities.          

Level 4: Return to campus for high-priority activities.      

Level 3: Students back on campus. Some staff will work from home where they can.

Level 2: All staff and students able to return to campus activities, with minimal social distancing.

Level 1: Everyone back on campus with no social distancing. Benefits of off-campus working and studying will remain.

What safety measures will be in place?

Level 5: Wellbeing support for those at home. As few people as possible remaining on campus.

Level 4: Campus made COVID-secure. Anyone on campus follows full induction and training.

Level 3: COVID-secure campus, and everyone on campus trained in COVID-secure expected behaviour code. Risk assessment process for individuals.

Level 2: As government guidelines change, expectations are clearly communicated.

Level 1: Normal risk assessment processes return. Ongoing mental health and wellbeing support. 

How will I learn?

Level 5: Students and staff learning and teaching at home. Placement experience all online.

Level 4: Students and staff learning and teaching at home. Some placements operate within COVID-secure environments. 

Level 3: Hybrid approach of on-campus and online teaching and learning. Online-only option for those who need to remain at home. Socially distanced practical activities e.g. laboratories, performing, sports. Placements within COVID-secure environments.

Level 2: Practical activities take place without social distancing in line with relevant guidance. Placements and volunteering widen in scope.

Level 1: Physical classes, practical activities, study abroad, placements and volunteering return to normal. Flexible online learning options continue.

How are student services delivered, across student support and wellbeing, library, Futures and IT?

Level 5: All support services operate remotely offering online appointments, advice and learning resources.

Level 4: All support services operate remotely offering online appointments, advice and learning resources.

Level 3: Support available on campus, blended with online appointments and services. Click and collect services for physical books and journals. On-campus spaces such as library and IT open with social distancing.

Level 2: Relaxing of social distancing guidelines increases on-campus student services. Flexible online options will continue.

Level 1: No social distancing, and all support back to normal, maintaining benefits of flexible online support.

What is campus life like?

Level 5: Resident students only mix within their household. Essential services maintained for all those living on campus (catering, shop and laundry). No physical events. Social activity, sports and Chaplaincy are online.

Level 4: Essential on-campus services available via booking systems including shop, catering and laundry. No physical events – events continue online.

Level 3: All resident students on campus, forming households with their flat/ house. Mix of digital and socially distanced social and sports activity, including some physical Student Union events. On-campus services open including shop, catering and laundry.

Level 2: Relaxing of social distancing guidelines will enable mixing across households and relaxing of measures in social spaces. Varied in-person social and sports activities available.         

Level 1: Households and students able to mix without social distancing. No restriction on physical events.

How does research operate?

Level 5: Only covid-19 essential research on campus; other research continues where possible remotely.

Level 4: Only covid-19 essential research on campus; other research continues where possible remotely.

Level 3: Phased return for essential research that can be conducted in line with relevant guidance.

Level 2: Return of all on-campus research potentially with additional guidelines for fieldwork.

Level 1: All research operates as normal.


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Checklist for coming to campus

  1. Do not come to campus if you have symptoms. 
  2. Don't forget your face covering.
  3. Organise your vaccinations if you are not already fully vaccinated.